Dearest Emmie

I answer to yours of the 2nd inst I’m glad to hear that you are having a good time. I have not been able to write this last two or three days and if I had have done I wouldn’t have been able to post it.

You speak of blackberrying; that puts me in mind of about this time last year when I was at Aldershot and you used to come down we found some good ones there didn’t we. I guess that when you get with Maude you make a pair of nuts; I know what I would have done if I had been that soldier who felt the point of the prickle, I would have kept quite and not said a word and then retaliated at a suitable time. It is now pouring of rain and our roof has almost as many holes in it as it has tiles but for all that we are not getting much water in.

I do not compre your German “auf weidersehen” but I say “ditto”. What does it mean? We now play “Bound to Win” selection and we do chirp it out some. We are playing at Corps Headquarters again on the 18th inst. I do not know if it is a contest or not. I went to the pictures last night and saw G Watson there and of course we had a jaw. He does seem a nipper for line work and yet he is 21 in December. Please will you send me out some Meloids I have nearly finished the last lot. I think I will give up smoking for a time, we get in average 35 cigarettes issued a week but they are not up to much. I fully expected a letter today but no I must wait until tomorrow. I will now conclude

With Fondest Love

from Yours Ever

Will xx


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